Thursday, February 19, 2015

Diving Naturegrahy

During my diving just like to capture some photos... Enjoy the photos ^_^

Brown Mushroom

 Outer space drop in the ocean yellow golf ball coral

Brown and white spotted Starfish. Wish upon the ocean star and your wish shall be grant become mermaid... LOL...

Looks like something... can you imagine what's that? For my view and imagination it is a Gingerbread man... hehe!! LOL... 

White Soul Sea Slug

Can you spotted a Seahorse? Just few months old... 

Trigger Fish... are infamous for their nasty attitude and this behavior is especially evident around nests, where intruders, from other fish to human divers, are likely to be charged or bitten. So why it earns the name Triggerfish!!! 

 White Teeth Baby Shark

Dolphin capture at Layang-layang... 

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