Sunday, January 22, 2017

December 2016 2nd times Full Marathon... 1st time Marathon in Singapore...

Christmas Decoration At Orchard Road... light are all on and shine brightly as diamond...Many Barricades are set up along the Orchard Road as there was many particpants runners took place in Singapore Standard Chartted Bank Marathon 2016... It was 4a.m plus in the morning to get ready until 4.30a.m flag off for full marathon participants... There was A to G categories split up for runners... whoever get the A category your are so lucky because they are the 1st round to get flag off early... And the worst part for me is my category is G. Category G is the last category runner and the last roll behind of all the alphabets category... and that time I was feeling ''ALAMAK" God are you kidding me!!! I said that because 42.195KM take me around 5Hours and 50 Minutes to complete the long journey full marathon and that was my 1st Marathon in Penang Second Link Bridge accomplish time... Hours and Hours delay cause of releasing the Category A until D was really killing me... and my limit of patient was really boiling at that time!!! I keep watching my watch time and it was 5.15a.m plus ler... then our last category started to release... Finally... but category G stuck behind of all the categories F because category F was on hold... then I was like WHAT!!! your are really kidding me!!! the road marshall want to give space and some gap in between all the category runners and so wont get clash each other... like make some way flow for runner to cut easily...


                                                                         Sign board
                                  The people with some balloons on it, they are the pace runners...

 Then I was too angry for the delay... but I never throw my hot temper out and scold the road marshall at that time... I keep myself cool and pray to God at that time... Dear God, please help me in this Full Marathon journey, may I have a smooth journey run or walk and hope that I wont get any leg cramp and injury... may you give me the strength and bless me to finish this journey for my 2nd times full marathon in Singapore. May you guide me to the front faster and wont get stuck behind and delay late for the flag off... In Jesus name I pray Amen... Then after I pray finish,  I quickly walk to the front and say "Excuse Me" "Excuse Me" after they release all the category by the road marshall... I manage to reach the starting point at 5.45a.m and meet up category "D" runners... I thank you God... Hooray!!! Finally!!!


Here is the photo I have taken The Starting point for the Full Marathon Standard Chartted Bank Singapore... I manage to get out from the packing of Sardin Squeeze from the roll of category D, E,F,G... I was so excited and charge fully energy to get started for my 2nd times Full Marathon and I cant wait how long I can accomplish the journey timing record...

Crossing inside a road Tunnel...

              Singapore Tunnel are so clean and well painted...
I saw the 1st board Cheer up... It wrote 1KM
"A Journey of one thousand miles always
begins with a first step." By     Loh Kin Huat

           Nice architecture building at Raffles Place MRT station

The following board along the journey
 for full Marathon runners to cheer up
and read... It wrote ''When you feel like
giving up, remember the reason why you
took that first step. You can and you will."
By   Shirlene Poon Jia Wen

This board is for 10KM marathon runners
to cheer up... ahaha!!! Short journey for 10KM
marathon small cheer up...

Full Marathon cheer up... It wrote "Run like the Spartans.        Never retreat, never surrender.''

                                                              Full Marathon "Your body achieves what your mind believe!"

                                                                                   Marina Barrage Scenery 
 Full Marathon cheer up ''What separates champions from others:
rising to the challenge.''                                                       

Sunrise 7a.m++ at Marina Barrage

Stop for a while take photos... nice view...
Marina Bay Building

Flower paper plant with scenery...


Flower explore...                                                                     Red, Orange and white flower plants...

Pure white flower plant                                                          Oh My... not the correct time release... actually
 is 1hours 17 minutes...
one hour late depart from starting point!!!

Half Marathon and Full Marathon share the same pathway and now come to the end we need to split up... NO!!!!!!! Bye!!! Half Marathon participants... My journey is still long way to walk and run...

Half Marathon participants go left and Full Marathon participants go right... Yo man... the road is all ours to run wild on the road so safe!!! LOL... haha!!

Full Marathon...  ''There will be a day when you can no
longer run. Today is not that day!'' Yup... aiya!!!                              Wah... East Coast Park so nice.
30KM more to go... I feel so Breathlessly...

Stop by... something caught my eyes... White Mushroom
Too bad cant eat!!! I'm so hungry... it so drooling!!! >_<
It looks like mushroom snack... hehe!!

Full Marathon only...
''Do not just run with your legs,
 but run with your heart."
A note extra... Run with Jesus Christ in this journey of life... God is always with me...

Sunrise catch my eyes... Beach side at East Coast Park.                       ''A few hours worth of pain,
a lifetime of bragging rights."
This is the stop station of 15KM kills me straight away... I have finish out my magnesium drink that I have brought along with me... and the worst part, there is nothing to back me up... no energy to boost up my strength... during this Full Marathon along the journey, they provide only water and one station provide Isotonic drinks... plus some more some station is out of water supply... I was like are u kiding me!!! Surely GG for me... I stop at this point 15KM board and sat down, breathlessly... then
I started to pray to God for help... please God sent me a person as a gift for me can provide me Power Gel, energy bar snack or something come with sugar to boost my strength... In Jesus name I pray Amen... few minutes later... I meet the Aunty that from the Full marathon begin we have chit-chat before... That time was, I dont know where to get in for the starting for the category G participants for the full marathon... then I ask around the marshall where to go? At the same time she also ask too and that's how I get to know her... we both walk together and finally we found our way to the category G participants entrance... Hooray!!! During the flag off, I say bye... bye... to her... see you whenever... take care... and she say bye... bye... too and same to you...take care... and I went straight away to the front as I need to rush for the starting point!!!
OK... come back to the point I met her at the 15KM spot... as she jog slowly pass by toward me and I was like HUP... this aunty looks familiar. She suddenly turn back and say Oi... It is you... and she ask me: what happen? I reply to her... haha!! and a smile... then I say to her: I have finish my magnesium drink... then she react to me nah... here is my water bottle with water... if u dont mind... you can have some sip of my water... and I was like... is ok nvm aunty... I just need a rest for awhile to regain my strength... and she reply are you sure... then I say yes... aunty... and thank you for your caring and concern... bye... Jia you... aunty... and she say to me you too Jia you and bye... and she straight went off and jog... 6 minutes later the 1st help from God send to me... the next 2nd person to help me is my daddy... and I was like LOL... God... my dad was behind me Huh... and that time my brain starting blur... cause of lack sleeping and no sugar boost up or carbohydrate food... My daddy approach me... Boy are you OK? and I was like yeah... daddy I'm fine thank you... just need a rest to regain my energy back... and my dad say alright... bye... I reply bye daddy... and not long 10minutes later of resting at the same spot 15KM... I meet my another friend who came along with us for this Full Marathon... and that time my blur and discomfort recover back... My brain start to function as in like motor started and warm up...hehe!! My friend  saw me and approach me... Eh.... Chaffruul   why are you here... and I reply with a smile 1st and then say... I finish up my magnesium drink and now I need some sugar or carbohydrate food to boost up my energy... Do you have it?
My friend reply Yes... here you go... he take out 2 packets of power gel and give it to me... I was like thank you God... my life saver finally... God have send me three helpers and the last one really save me up... hehe!! Gods love is so unconditionaly... then I say to my friend thank you... and how about yourself got power gel? He say yes i do have somemore... take it and go ahead your run to the finish line... I open one packet of the power gel and sip it then I run straight off and say to him bye... take care brother... He reply me ok... bye... 

   ''Why walk when you can run? Give it a try while you have the chance."                                              


''In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. Enjoy the run!''

''You either suffer the pain of perseverance or the pain of giving up. Pick a side.'' 

  Minus 1hour is 03:47;33... the exact timing for  me hehe!! 

Er......... *_*lll Blur face selfie.... tired... zombie face...

''Trust yourself that you can finish the run because                                                                            ''Imagine how it feels crossing the finish       you're already more than halfway there."                                                                                       line!  Run now to achieve THAT!''     

Ahahaha!!!                                                                                  ''Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one."

"If those runners in front of you can do it, so can you!
Success is just around the corner, NEVER give up!"

"Trust me, this is nothing compared to your training.'' 

Ah... Finally 12KM more hooray!!! Minus 1hour again... 05:15:56 exact time...
That time many of the participants and me was running and walking under the hot sun past 11a.m... Although... it really freaking hot, I saw no one give up... and still pushing to the full power of their body strenght... and for myself I taking my sweet time walking faster... but never give up. I have started this race and ask my daddy to sign it up for me, I must finish it... Till the end, I have accomplish for what I have started and I am so proud of myself and I praise the lord... without his blessing and guidance I will definitely die at half way and give up...
I was an Athlete in secondary school, I like running... I was train to be fit and fast runner but never train to be continuosly a full marathon... like example long journey run 24KM or 42KM and more then that!!! For the 1st full marathon I try out in Penang 2 link Bridge, I was very excited for it and looking forward the time I can accomplish within 6 hours below and that was the estimate time the full marathon set the time... whoever finish below 6hours only can get the Finisher T-shirt, medal and so on goodies... then I start calculate the time... I use 1hour to walk 7KM then if 42KM will be 6 Hours... hup not bad... can lar!!! can lar!!! For everytime I start a race or marathon, I will always ask God for his blessing, strenght and guidance... and perhapes I should ask God may I walk with you and lead me all the way to the finish line rather then just asking for what I want in anything for myself... I need to praise him more and read the bible more too rather then just a spiritual of myself hanging and floating in the air...


The end of my Full Marathon...
At last pass by this Fun wheel... the eye of Singapore...
Almost to the finish line like around 33KM they started to provide banana and power gel packet... and I was like What!!!!!! The funny and most exciting part was... some of the peoples jog and pass by me very early end up I still manage to over take them around 7KM to the finish point... I was like Giggle when I saw them and over take them straight running pass by... and I feel that their reaction was shock where did I got back my energy... I was walking fast but not jogging all the way and suddenly run toward the finish point journey of 7KM more to go... some saw me running and cheer me up go!!! go!!! go!!! even I do not know them Jia you... then I reply to them Thank you and you too... It is really encourageable when you meet people you dont know and still can cheer you up as a friend... for no reason... Good people do exist... No matter big or small size you are as long you seek and pray to God... everything can be accomplish... I can do all things through Him, whom give me strength... This is really seriously through out my life I have always seek and take time to glorify him... for he take control of my life always... I'm not alone... God is always with me... Thank you God...
My running beam number... and that's weird dont have my name on it...

The map and journey for full marathon...

My exact time record was 7:38:52... Impressive... as I accomplish it with God guiding me through out this journey Full Marathon... a song Hym Be with me lord... I cannot live without thee, I dare not try to take one step alone, I cannot bear the loads of life, unaided, I need thy strength to lean myself upon...
In this marathon, I was feeling very enjoyable and having fun with the peoples around me as God bring them in this marathon and show me that people can be so friendly treating me and approach me like as we know each other for so long... we talk, some may laugh with me and smile together along the marathon journey... then I realize when my feeling was down and moody, God will always send a person in my journey of life to keep me motivated and cheer me up along the way...

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